ROCOL and the chocolate factory

Company News

Chocoholics across the UK may currently be celebrating National Chocolate Week but for us, chocolate is more than just a treat. It’s an area of expertise that we have developed through years of providing food grade lubrication products and training for some of the world’s leading confectionary experts.

Here are just some of the reasons why these companies, including Mondelez, Nestle, Tangerine and Kinnerton, choose ROCOL products:

Surveying and plant management

Regular machinery maintenance is essential to avoid downtime due to breakdowns, as well as prolong the life of the equipment. Putting together a plan of regular maintenance isn’t always straightforward, which is why ROCOL carries out a bespoke survey of each piece of a plant’s lubrication requirements to match every machine with the correct product and method of application, including how often lubrication needs to be reapplied.

As part of this survey, every part of the facility is inspected and receives a visual inspection. All our findings are then collated into a digital report and a customised folder to create a system of best practice plant management and hopefully improve business performance. We can also help businesses with the initial set up of correct operating procedures, ensuring that everything is safely stored, and they are getting the most from their lubricant equipment.

Every aspect of this will be fully TPM compatible.


It’s fantastic having everything set up and running smoothly with a preventative maintenance strategy in place. However, if onsite maintenance engineers and operators aren’t trained on the best practice of lubrication across the full site, then maintenance programs may not work.

ROCOL provides best practise training for machine operators to ensure that production lines continue to work uninterrupted and problem free. These full-day hands-on training sessions can be delivered at our dedicated training facility in Leeds, as well as onsite in our ‘Breakfast and Learn’ sessions, and cover everything from ‘The Essential Principles of Lubrication’ right up to ‘Train the Trainer’.

We also have an online training platform which users can log onto from anywhere to further their knowledge and understanding. This isn’t restricted to current customers; anyone can have access and learn how ROCOL products can be used to deliver outstanding results.

For more information about ROCOL, its products and services, contact or phone +44 (0)113 232 2700.

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