Meet The Team - Gareth Procter

Company News

How did your career in the lubricants industry begin?
Whilst studying for a Chemistry degree at Loughborough University, I completed a one-year placement in industry at Lubrizol in Derby. There I analysed additives and finished lubricants. I decided not to pursue a scientific career and instead went on to study for a Master’s in Finance and Management. Following graduation, I started to look for roles in the lubricant industry that were close to home. That lead to me joining ROCOL as a Marketing Assistant in October 2010.

How long have you worked at ROCOL and what attracted you to the company?
I’ve been with ROCOL 10 years now, which has really flown. ROCOL was, and still is, a premium brand with a great culture, that is recognised across the industry. On top of that, it is a great place for a very green graduate to learn the ropes of a commercial role.

What are your favourite parts of your role?
Very simply, it’ the variety. In many companies, you have a specific job to do and rarely touch other parts of the business.

Over the last ten years I have had a number of positions within ROCOL, including Business development and Segment Manager before becoming a Senior Product Manager. All the roles that I have worked in have been wide-ranging and I can safely say I regularly work with all departments. I have never found myself watching the clock.

How do you spend your time outside work?
There is a distinct difference between the things I want to do and what I get to do. Things I want to do include cycling and running, watching football and eating out. What I actually do is to try and get a 2-year-old to walk faster to nursery, watch endless episodes of Mr Tumble and eat whatever is left in the fridge.

Share one fact that your colleagues wouldn’t know about you.
Before working at ROCOL, I helped to catch a notorious serial killer. Sadly, as an international man of mystery, I can’t say any more about that.

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