22 December 2023


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Identifying challenges associated with converyer chain lubrication processes

Savola, a prominent pasta manufacturer in Egypt and the Middle East, has its operations based in 10th Of Ramadan, Egypt. The company’s commitment to delivering top-quality pasta products is well-known in the region.

One crucial aspect of their manufacturing process involves the conveyer chain lubrication used in pasta production. Initially, the company used competitors for this purpose. However, they encountered several challenges with these lubrication products.

The first issue was the loud noise emanating from the chains due to friction, which disrupted the smooth production process. Additionally, oil dripping off the chains caused further inconvenience and mess in the production area. The chains also tended to dry out when exposed to increased temperatures, leading to inefficient lubrication.

Moreover, the excessive amount of oil required for lubrication and the need for frequent replacement of guides and chains added to the company’s operational costs and maintenance efforts.

Pasta manufacturing

Resolving challenges related to lubrication

To address these challenges and optimise their lubrication process, Savola turned to ROCOL for a solution. After careful analysis, ROCOL recommended the use of FOODLUBE Hi-Torque, a high-performance lubricant that incorporates the unique SUPS technology, specifically designed to enhance pasta conveyer chain lubrication.

The results of implementing ROCOL’s FOODLUBE Hi-Torque 320 were remarkable. The lubrication interval extended to one month, compared to the previous need for lubrication twice a month. The lubricant remained effective even after one month, eliminating the issue of chains drying out.

Furthermore, the new lubricant eliminated the problem of oil dripping from the chains, ensuring a cleaner and more efficient production area. Additionally, the amount of lubricant required was significantly reduced to 18 litres per chain per year, less than 1/5th of the quantity previously used. This resulted in substantial cost savings for the company, with 96 litres of lubricant required per chain per year.

Perhaps most impressively, the implementation of ROCOL’s solution extended the lifespan of chains and guides to over three years, a considerable improvement compared to the frequent replacements needed before.

As a result of these outstanding outcomes, Savola experienced significant cost savings of over $20,000 USD per chain every five years, making their operations more sustainable and financially efficient.

The conclusion – A perfect lubrication solution

In conclusion, ROCOL’s FOODLUBE Hi-Torque 320 proved to be the perfect lubrication solution for Savola’s pasta conveyer chains, outperforming the previously used products and delivering exceptional results. The company’s decision to trust in ROCOL’s expertise resulted in improved chain lifespan, reduced noise, extended lubrication intervals, and substantial cost savings, further establishing Savola’s position as a leading player in the pasta manufacturing industry in Egypt and the Middle East.

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